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Vapor Recovery Units

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vapor recovery unit

Globaltechexport Ltd. develops, designs, and manufactures vapor recovery units (VRP) based on carbon-vacuum adsorption technology. Their purpose is hydrocarbon fraction separation from the air in the incoming flow and further hydrocarbon reduction in the liquid absorbent flow, which, firstly, minimizes the loss of a valuable product, and secondly, significantly reduces atmospheric emissions of volatile organic compounds.

Globaltechexport Ltd. is an exclusive representative of Cool Sorption, the world leader in the development and supply of vapor recovery units.

The advantages of VRPs, offered by our Company:

  • Short lead time in general and fast issue of detailed technical documentation, which is ensured by a wide standardized range designed specifically for oil depots, tanker loading terminals, road and rail tankers;

  • Low logistics and equipment installation costs. Our vapor recovery units are supplied as pre-fabricated modules. Individual modules are designed to reduce the risk of damage during transportation and on-site storage;

  • Low operating and maintenance costs. Units are designed to operate automatically and unattended. Units are designed for easy and safe access to devices, valves, and rotating parts of the equipment. It should be noted that the adsorbent lifetime is 10 to 18 years depending on the operating conditions;

  • Low power consumption. For large units, a three-adsorber technology has been developed, enabling to reduce the power consumption by pressure balancing;

  • The pressure drop in the vapor recovery units is zero. The pressure drop in the units is compensated by an installed fan.

Globaltechexport offers the following VRUs:

  • DS Series (Depot SeriesTM) includes units of small and medium capacity (road and rail tanker loading terminals);

  • TS Series (Terminal SeriesTM) includes high-capacity units (road and rail tanker loading terminals);

  • Engineering units.

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