The Yakutsk GRES-2 start-up ceremony was held in Yakutsk on November 28, 2017. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave the command to start the plant from Moscow in teleconference mode.
Nikolay Shulginov, Chairman of the Board and Director General of RusHydro PJSC, reported Yakutsk GRES-2 readiness for start-up to the Russian Prime Minister. He noted that by then the construction of the first phase of Yakutsk GRES-2 had been completed and the plant equipment had successfully passed all necessary tests.
The first phase of Yakutsk GRES-2 is one of the four priority projects for the construction of new power facilities in the Far East implemented by RusHydro pursuant to the Decree of the Russian Federation President. The total budgetary funds allocated by the Government for the construction of new thermal power plants in the Far East make 50 billion rubles. These funds are used to build four priority facilities — the second phase of Blagoveshchensk TPP (construction completed in 2016), the first phase of Yakutsk GRES-2, the first phase of Sakhalin GRES-2 (start-up is scheduled for 2018), and the TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan (start-up is scheduled for 2019).
The installed electrical capacity of the first phase of Yakutsk GRES-2 is 193 MW with a heating capacity of 469 Gcal/h. The first phase will generate about 1,440 million kWh of electric and 1,905,000 Gcal of heat power per year. Yakutsk GRES-2 is the most powerful thermal power plant built in the Far East of Russia in the post-Soviet period. The plant uses natural gas from Srednevilyuiskoye gas condensate field.
Construction of Yakutsk GRES-2 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is driven by the need to create a reserve of electric capacity, as well as to replace retired capacities of the depreciated Yakutsk GRES, which covers over 90% of electric power consumption in nine regions of Yakutia and over 50% of heat consumption in its capital, Yakutsk. The central energy region of Yakutia (including Yakutsk) is currently isolated from the national grid; as a result, power supply to more than 400 thousand people depends on Yakutsk GRES operation, which equipment has reached the end of its standard service life. Commissioning of Yakutsk GRES-2 made it possible to significantly improve the security of energy supply to consumers.
As part of the Yakutsk GRES-2 project implementation, RusHydro also constructed off-site infrastructure facilities at its own expense including power supply lines to connect the new power plant to the power grid, as well as heating networks to connect it to the Yakutsk heat supply system.
Globaltechexport Ltd. was directly involved in the implementation of the Yakutsk GRES-2 construction project and had contractual relations with the main participants of this project:
General Designer — Teploelectroproject Design Institute JSC;
General Contractor — TEK Mosenergo JSC;
Customer — RusHydro PJSC.
Globaltechexport Ltd. performed the following works:
Design of the gas booster station and gas treatment unit;
Supply of the integrated automated control system for natural gas conditioning;
Supply of the instrument air and nitrogen unit;
Supply of all necessary auxiliary and protection systems for gas booster stations (electric drive motors, sound canopies, etc.);
Supply of the pump station;
Supply of the gas treatment unit;
Supply of the gas distribution unit;
Installation supervision and commissioning of the gas booster station and gas facilities as a whole.