Globaltechexport Ltd. is performing the development and deployment of the native software for the ACS of the Atlas Copco compressors as part of the implementation of the AMUR GPP project

As part of the implementation of the AMUR GPP project Globaltechexport Ltd. has completed the development and deployment of the native software for the ACS of the 25 MW GT series Atlas Copco compressors. The JSC NIPIGAS acted as the Customer (the end Customer is Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk LLC, part of the Gazprom Group).

Our company performed engineering, development, and deployment of the application-dependent software for the ACS of the centrifugal multi-shaft GT series Atlas Copco compressors (power — 25 MW, electric drive), installed at the AMUR GPP construction site as part of the gas fractionation unit.

The hardware platform of the ACS is the Siemens SIMATIC S7-400H redundant controller and Siemens SIMATIC ET 200M distributed I/O stations. The Siemens SIMATIC HMI TP1500 Comfort operator panel was used for visualization. The developed and deployed ACS provides about 1,000 signals, and 30 control loops of various complexity, including the cascade controllers with the algorithmic zonal breakdown of regulation behavior, and also has the advantage of its openness for the Customer with the possibility of making adjustments.

The main goal of the project was the replacement of the existing ACS, developed by Atlas Copco and Linde Gas companies, with a completely domestic product. A new phase of the meticulous work on import substitution, which was started by Globaltechexport Ltd. more than 3 years ago, was dictated by the necessity to replace the imported software within the shortest time period, which had limited functionality, and also did not allow the Customer to make the necessary adjustments in complex algorithms. As a result, our specialists were able to complete such a non-trivial task in just three months, which became possible not only due to their professionalism, but also due to our vast experience with various automation systems and Atlas Copco high-performance compressors at all stages of their design, production, commissioning, put into operation, and maintenance.

The successful completion of the task was preceded by a comprehensive inspection of the equipment at the site and the pre-installed ACS manufactured by Atlas Copco, as well as a detailed study of the source design documentation of Atlas Copco and Linde in English. Based on the results of these studies, the concept of software development on the supplied equipment was created and approved.

During the development of the ACS application-dependent software, the following tasks were solved:

  • Development of all control algorithms for Atlas Copco GT series centrifugal multi-shaft compressors, including regulating algorithms, anti-surge protection, starting and shutdown sequences, protections and interlocks, control of auxiliary mechanisms, etc.;

  • Development of operator's panel HMI;

  • Development of software interfaces for integration with external systems for monitoring of mechanical parameters (vibration, shaft misalignment, etc.) manufactured by Bently Nevada;

  • Development of software interfaces for integration with the Yokogawa upper-level DCS, inclusion of the controlling actions in the internal control algorithms.

Additionally, the operation algorithms were tested on a software test bed with demonstrations of the software functionality before its subsequent loading into the Atlas Copco GT series compressors control system.

During the commissioning supervision of the ACS application-dependent software, the following works were performed in cooperation with the general contractor:

  • Performance of the tooling setup, including the integrity checks of the lines, metering channels, signal passages to the upper-level DCS, etc.;

  • Performance of the application-dependent software functional testing on the equipment, including checks of the starting and shutdown sequences, safety interlocks, regulation, anti-surge protection, anti-surge control system, etc.;

  • Performance of the checks of the auxiliary mechanisms control algorithms with the actuation of the driving mechanisms: oil system, sealing gas system of the dry-running gas seals, oil vapor extraction system, etc.;

  • Performance of the integration checks with the upper-level DCS, including the measurement signals passages, as well as command passages and the prioritization from/to the upper-level DCS.

In addition to the commissioning supervision of the ACS application-dependent software, the commissioning supervision of the Atlas Copco GT series compressors was performed, including the following works:

  • Performance of the fine adjustment of the systems actuating mechanisms, including the dry-running gas seals, inlet guide vanes, control valves, lubrication system of the vacuum oil mist removal unit, etc.;

  • Performance of the gas circuit pipelines connections control without compensators with the maintenance of the equipment alignment (including the flow section cleanliness check);

  • Performance of the equipment alignment according to the «compressor-electric motor-compressor» scheme with the lowest possible tolerance ranges;

  • Performance of the equipment safe operation and shutdown algorithms checks during the unit’s operation in the abnormal mode;

  • Performance of the development of the methods, which take into account the different types of metal expansion to accelerate the process of the equipment shaft alignment.

The Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP) near the town of Svobodny, Amur Region, is one of the largest gas processing enterprises in the world. The implementation of such an ambitious project in the area of gas processing has no parallel in the history of Russia’s gas sector. The GPP is an essential link in the process chain of natural gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.

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