Globaltechexport Ltd. completed multiple water treatment facilities at Amur TPP
Globaltechexport Ltd. completed multiple water treatment facilities at Amur TPP. The Amur Gas Processing Plant located near Svobodny, Amur Region, will become one of the major natural gas processing facilities in the world. The plant is an important link in the process chain of natural gas supply to China via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.
Water treatment facilities details:
1. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, and supply of the potable water treatment unit to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Capacity: minimum 10 m3/h;
- Solving the task of water treatment with difficult-to-remove iron silicate compounds;
- Compact design despite a large amount of process equipment;
- Operation and washing of all process equipment in automatic mode;
- Control and monitoring of chlorine content and pH in treated water;
- Availability of the full set of equipment and automation systems based on TECON hardware and software packages for continuous year-round operation.
The treatment process scheme includes the following main units:
- Proportional baking soda dosing unit;
- Aeration unit;
- Two-stage filtration;
- Fine mechanical cleaning;
- Reverse osmosis cleaning;
- Treated water reagent disinfection unit.
Specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. managed to cope with the task of potable water cleaning from difficult-to-remove iron silicate compounds and implement a source water treatment solution in a compact unit using advanced water industry technologies.
2. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, and supply of the domestic wastewater treatment facilities to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Capacity: 65 m3/h;
- Complete biological treatment with post-treatment;
- High-tech analyzer of suspended particles in treated wastewater;
- Automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages for integration into the automatic process control system of Amur TPP.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Modular two-storey building comprised of 4 modules;
- Equalization tank, V=50 m3;
- Denitrifier;
- Nitrification aerotank;
- Secondary settling tank;
- Post-treatment unit;
- Disinfection unit;
- Chemical mixing unit;
- Set of pumping and compressor equipment;
- Chemicals for two years;
- Heating and ventilation system;
- Power supply system;
- Instrumentation;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. had to cope with the task of domestic (compositionally similar) wastewater treatment to meet the standards for discharging into fishery water bodies. It was decided to apply the complete biological treatment technology (denitrifier-nitrifier-secondary settling tank-post-treatment), sludge dewatering and stabilization systems, as well as a post-treatment system utilizing pressure filtration.
3. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, and supply of the oily wastewater treatment facilities to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Capacity: 5 l/s;
- Mechanical cleaning with two-stage filtration and ultraviolet disinfection;
- High-tech analyzer of suspended particles and oil products in treated wastewater;
- Automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages for integration into the automatic process control system of Amur TPP.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Modular building comprised of 1 module;
- Cleaning system (settler, two-stage filtration);
- Disinfection unit;
- Sludge dehydration unit;
- Chemical mixing unit;
- Set of pumping equipment;
- Chemicals and spare parts for two years;
- Heating and ventilation system;
- Power supply system;
- Instrumentation;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. had to cope with the task of the oily wastewater treatment to meet the standards for discharging into fishery water bodies. It was decided to apply the complete treatment technology (settler-two-stage filtration-ultraviolet disinfection-dehydration system).
4. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, and supply of the rainfall treatment facilities to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Capacity: 7 l/s;
- Mechanical cleaning with two-stage filtration and ultraviolet disinfection;
- High-tech analyzer of suspended particles and oil products in treated wastewater;
- Automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages for integration into the automatic process control system of Amur TPP.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Modular building comprised of 1 module;
- Cleaning system (settler, two-stage filtration);
- Disinfection unit;
- Sludge dehydration unit;
- Chemical mixing unit;
- Set of pumping equipment;
- Chemicals and spare parts for two years;
- Heating and ventilation system;
- Power supply system;
- Instrumentation;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. had to cope with the task of the rainfall treatment to meet the standards for discharging into fishery water bodies. It was decided to apply the complete treatment technology (settler-two-stage filtration-ultraviolet disinfection-dehydration system).
5. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, and supply of ten pump stations for well water pumping (Nizhneperskoye groundwater deposit) to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Ten well water pumping stations (including two standby ones);
- Capacity of each station: minimum 37 m3/h;
- Compact size for full access and easy operation;
- Use of domestic pumping equipment;
- Automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages for integration into the automatic process control system of Amur TPP;
- The pumping station equipment enables constant flow rate and pressure maintenance, being a reliable source of water supply;
- Availability of the full set of equipment and automation systems for continuous year-round operation.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Modular pumping stations;
- High-pressure electrical centrifugal pumps;
- Electric and manual pipeline valves;
- Piping, including a lift pipe;
- Instrumentation;
- Heating and ventilation system;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. had to cope with the task of continuous water supply from artesian wells at the required pressure. This task was implemented with an automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages and pressure regulators. Protection devices include level sensors to prevent dry running, as well as soft starters. This set of equipment guarantees the continuous operation of the Nizhneperskoye groundwater supply facility.
6. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, supply, and commissioning of the rainwater pumping station to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Capacity: minimum 2,340 m3/h;
- Large depth of the gravity supply pipeline;
- Innovative tanks made of spiral-wound polyethylene;
- Availability of the full set of equipment and automation systems for continuous year-round operation.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Spiral-wound polyethylene housing Ø2,660 mm, H=11,000 mm, 3 ea.;
- Spiral-wound polyethylene housing Ø2,200 mm, H=11,000 mm, 1 ea.;
- Spiral-wound polyethylene housing Ø2,660 mm, H=7,000 mm, 3 ea.;
- Modular operator room for power supply and pumping station control;
- KSB submersible pumps, KRTK series (Q=1,170 m3/h), 3 ea.;
- Walking electric crane;
- Electrically-driven pipeline valves;
- Low-current systems;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. faced issues due to the regional climate and construction site features. To solve the set tasks, the project implemented the latest developments in tank equipment made of spiral-wound polyethylene that enabled tanks to maintain positive temperatures without insulation or electric heating. KSB’s state-of-the-art pumping equipment ensures the long-term operation of the pumping station, while the soft starter, automation system, and additional protections ensure high energy efficiency.
7. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, and supply of seven pump stations for well water pumping (Yukhtinskoye groundwater deposit) to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Seven well water pumping stations (including two standby ones);
- Capacity of each station: minimum 50 m3/h;
- Compact size for full access and easy operation;
- Use of advanced Grundfos pumping equipment;
- Automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages for integration into the automatic process control system of Amur TPP;
- The pumping station equipment enables constant flow rate and pressure maintenance, being a reliable source of water supply;
- Availability of the full set of equipment and automation systems for continuous year-round operation.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Modular pumping stations;
- Grundfos well pumps, CR series;
- Electric and manual pipeline valves;
- Piping, including a lift pipe;
- Instrumentation;
- Heating and ventilation system;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. had to cope with the task of continuous water supply from artesian wells at the required pressure. This task was implemented with an automatic control system based on TECON hardware and software packages and pressure regulators. Protection devices include level sensors to prevent dry running, as well as soft starters. This set of equipment guarantees the continuous operation of the Yukhtinskoye groundwater supply facility.
8. Globaltechexport Ltd. completed the design, manufacture, supply, and commissioning of the industrial wastewater pumping station to the Amur TPP construction site for TEK Mosenergo JSC as part of the project "Meeting the Demands of Amur Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Construction of the main process facilities of Amur TPP (2 steam turbine units x 80MW)".
- Capacity: 23 m3/h;
- Taking and pumping industrial wastewater from the heating boiler house equipment to the water treatment building;
- Innovative tanks made of spiral-wound polyethylene;
- Availability of the full set of equipment and automation systems for continuous year-round operation.
Scope and main specifications of the supplied equipment:
- Spiral-wound polyethylene housing Ø1,820 mm, H=4,800 mm;
- Modular operator room for power supply and pumping station control;
- KSB submersible pumps, KRTK series (Q=23 m3/h), 2 ea.;
- Lifting equipment;
- Electrically-driven pipeline valves;
- Low-current systems;
- Other life support facilities.
During the design, manufacture, and supply, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. faced issues due to the regional climate and construction site features. To solve the set tasks, the project implemented the latest developments in tank equipment made of spiral-wound polyethylene that enabled tanks to maintain positive temperatures without insulation or electric heating. KSB’s state-of-the-art pumping equipment ensures the long-term operation of the pumping station, while the soft starter, automation system, and additional protections ensure high energy efficiency.
Globaltechexport Ltd. would like to thank TEK Mosenergo and GEH Engineering for their trust and opportunities in the implementation of challenging projects.