Modular compressor stations for Rosenergoatom Concern JSC — Kursk NPP

Globaltechexport Ltd. successfully performed the contract for the supply of two modular compressor stations for use by Kursk NPP, a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern.

Modular compressor stations are ready-to-operate stations designed to feed compressed air to processes with compressed air consumption of up to 2,520 Nm3/h and 6,150 Nm3/h at operating pressures of 1.0 MPa and 0.6 MPa, respectively.

To meet special Customer requirements, specialists of Globaltechexport Ltd. implemented an automated compressor station control system with self-engineered software. Automation of compressor station control processes is based on specialized Schneider Electric Modicon M241 microprocessor controllers with programmable intelligent control algorithms. The control system provides automatic compressor start, loading, unloading, and stopping functions, process protections and interlocks, process control, and maintenance of the specified gas pressure range at the outlet of compressor units.

Compressor stations’ container modules have the following advantages:

  • High-quality compressed air. The built-in cleaning and drying system provides high air quality in accordance with GOST 17433-80 or GOST R ISO 8573-1-2005;
  • Self-sufficiency. A flat-level surface and connection to the power grid are sufficient to start the compressor station operation. The built-in automation system excludes service personnel presence at the place of equipment operation;
  • Ability to operate in all seasons. Compressor container modules are designed for temperatures from -40 ºC to +40 ºC;
  • Mobility. If necessary, containers can be easily moved to the desired location.

The project was implemented within a short time starting with Contract signing in July 2019 and ending with equipment delivery to the Kursk NPP site in December 2019.

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